Finding the way to our one true home

A photo by NASA of the bright centre of a cluster of stars

Image by NASA

Do we choose who we are to become?
I used to believe that was so.
Now I suspect that is just partly true.

I had wanted many things for myself.
Many such things I had received.
But not all of them belonged to me.

The mind says no but the heart says yes.
Putting into question everything I had learned.
What is the source of my desires?

Tuning inward, I sense a longing for return.
A reunion with what feels true.
It is a return to my one true home.

Every now and then I would arrive at this place.
There, I find the sweetness of my own being.
The essence of love lies in its centre.

This centre within me connects with the cosmos.
From there emerges a Will that is free of agenda.
It speaks to me in my dreams.

The Will nudges me forward to places I dare not go.
It shows me what I cannot see.
It tells me what I cannot hear.

Shall I align with it or resist its promptings?
Therein lies my individual free will.
Yet many times I chose to resist.

But over time I learned to give in.
In so doing I've traversed many streams.
Where these streams lead to only time can tell.

Who I am is becoming clearer to me.
A perfume of silence leads me onward.
Toward a future beyond my wildest dreams.


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