Come home to your body, realize true belonging.
Embodiment Practices for Personal & Collective Transformation
Our body is sacred. Deep within our body is an extraordinary dimension of wholeness that feels like our true home. This is not an intellectual concept—it is an actual living experience. Some call this experience fundamental wellbeing or the ground of being. It feels like who we really are. It is also an experience of oneness with others and everything around us.
Anyone can uncover this fundamental wellbeing. It just requires practice, healing and patience to attune to this subtle level of experience. Finding it grants us access to our love, strength and vitality, even in the face of pain and loss.
Thomas Lai is an embodiment meditation teacher and expressive arts therapist in training. As a certified Realization Process® teacher, he guides people in uncovering fundamental wellbeing—an enduring sense of ease and happiness that can be found pervading one’s whole being. Through meditation and creative expression, Thomas invites you to explore how deeper embodiment can transform your life.
The Practices
Embodiment Meditation
Expressive Arts

This enduring happiness is not a vacuous, detached state. Nor does it interfere with the richness of life or with our natural tendencies to grieve our losses, feel anger at tyranny, or fear when there is actual danger. Yet when we awaken to and embody nondual reality, this sense of well-being is always there, at our foundation, supporting us and helping us to help others.
— Judith Blackstone, The Fullness of the Ground
Upcoming Events
Realization Process Group Practice Session
Wed Mar 12. 7:00-8:00PM
Explore the transformative benefits of the Realization Process, a series of body-oriented meditative practices designed to deepen your mind-body connection and cultivate greater resilience and self-confidence.